Kako se sukobi saveznih policijskih snaga i demonstranta u Portlandu nastavljaju, Ujedinjene nacije pozvale su američke bezbednosne snage da ograniče upotrebu sile protiv mirnih demonstranata i novinara.

Portparolka Komesarijata UN za ljudska prava Elizabet Trosel na konferenciji za novinare u Ženevi odgovarala je na pitanja u vezi američkog raspoređivanja saveznih bezbednosnih snaga u različite gradove kako bi ugušili proteste pokrenute nakon smrti Džordža Flojda.

,,Bilo je izveštaja da su neidentifikovani policajci zadržavali mirne demonstrante što je zabrinjavajuće, jer mogu dovesti do proizvoljnog pritvaranja i drugih kršenja ljudskih prava“, rekla je portparolka, dodajući da ,,mirni protesti moraju biti omogućeni tako da učesnici, uključujući i novinare koji o protestima izveštavaju, ne budu meta arbitražnog hapšenja, nesrazmerne, prekomerne upotrebe sile ili drugih kršenja njihovih prava.“

Prema njenim rečima, vlasti bi trebalo da obezbede da savezne i lokalne bezbednosne snage budu pravilno i jasno identifikovane i da će upotrebiti silu samo kada je to krajnje neophodno, na proporcionalan način i u skladu sa međunarodnim standardima. ,,Takođe, veoma je važno da žrtve nepotrebne ili prekomerne upotrebe sile imaju pravo na pravni lek i da bi trebalo da postoje brze, nezavisne, nepristrasne i transparentne istrage o navodima kršenja ljudskih prava.“

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Last night saw one of the largest, most rowdy, and well prepared crowds at the justice center in PDX in over a month. Protesters came out with helmets, shields, goggles, gas masks, medical supplies, laser pointers, spotlights, and as seen in this video, the knowledge, materials, and confidence to deal with tear gas. Some canisters were returned to sender, while others were simply extinguished by pouring water on them. As we all know now, they are heat activated and just require getting squirted with a half a squirt bottle or dropped into an open jug of water. The mom-bloc (also being referred to as 'mom-tifa') was also out in force tonight and on the frontlines, facing off with the pigs and protecting the crowd with their bodies and determination. The rumor is that the mother of Donovan Labella, the protester who the feds put in critical condition with a fractured skull after shooting him in the head with a impact munition from a shotgun last week, called for moms to come out and essentially fight for a better world for their children and do everything they can to keep them safe. And the moms have answered that call. Saturday was the first appearance of the moms as a force, and last night their numbers had by multiplied several times. "When the moms come out to fight, the empire has already fallen." The night saw extended clashes and an escalated level of violence from the feds, who were clearly unhappy with the huge crowd who was there to expel them. Several rounds of tear gas didn't deter the crowd, who regrouped over and over and marched back to the justice center and federal courthouse repeatedly. Momentum is building in Portland as tactics escalate. As many liberals (and everyone to the right of liberals) would have you believe, the burning of the Portland Police union building last night did not alienate people from participating. In fact it did the opposite, as more and more people have become inspired with the ferocity that people are showing as they fight against this despicable system that was founded on the back of genocide against the continent's original inhabitants and the labor and death of Black bodies stolen from across the ocean.

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Dok su savezne snage raspoređene u Portland da bi ugušile nemire i zaštitile saveznu imovinu, u skladu sa ,,law and order’’ kampanjom predsednika Trampa, njihov dolazak samo je okupio još veći broj građana na protestima, od kojih su pojedini uzvikivali parolu ,,hands up, please, don’t shoot me’’.

Međutim, prema pojedinim navodima, američki predsednik Donald Tramp naložio je raspoređivanje savezne policije u Portlandu i Vašingtonu (D.C.), gde su mirni protesti prerasli u nasilne, s naporima da se ošteti ili uništi savezna imovina, uz napade na policajce u pojedinim slučajevima. Policija ističe da su mnogi demonstranti bacali molotovljev koktel, palili vatru u parkovima i kantama za smeće, oslobađali hiljade litara vode iz hidranata namenjenih za gaženje požara.

Ipak, američko Ministarstvo pravosuđa u četvrtak je otvorilo istragu kontroverznih akcija policije u Portlandu, gde su se policajci sukobili sa demonstrantima koji protestuju protiv rasizma.

Wait until the end! This was from two nights ago. I did not take this video. Portland Warzone!

Posted by Cameron Daly on Четвртак, 23. јул 2020.

Podstaknuti nizom žalbi, između ostalog i zbog policijske brutalnosti, protesti potresaju Portland već osam nedelja. U ćetvrtak uveče, sukob saveznih snaga i demonstranata se nastavio. Desetine policajaca formirala je kordon oko zgrade suda, ispaljivajući veliku količinu suzavca u masu. Kao zaštitu, demonstranti su koristi duvače za lišće kako bi vratili suzavac, prisilivši policiju u jednom trenutku da se povuče.

Fotografije sa protesta u Portlandu možete pogledati ovde.

Ivana Janković